It's time to announce the winner of the 2013, Capital of Texas Pole Championship, Doubles Partners award. Ta dah! We won!!!!! The announcer says, "Lisa and Patrick," and for a few seconds Lisa and I are just standing there as if our ears were clogged. It finally hit, WE WON! What an amazing feeling! We walk up to the front, where we get showered with gifts, a trophy and sash. It was way too much to process. To be honest, I'm still not sure what happened right after that. I really think I was in shock the whole time. All that work paid off!
But how did we win, when no one was really clapping?
Well, as the night was winding down, we were getting stopped by so many people saying we did a great job, and how moved they were. Apparently, our performance was so emotional, people wanted to cry more than clap. Now, coming from the person who has been practicing to this song for so long, I felt zero emotion. I was damn near sick of this song.
So here we are... A title under my belt, and ready to take on future endeavors...
I have lost count at how many times I have seen this video. I am so beyond amazed at what you and Lisa did. It is a stunning performance and just completely beautiful. I am in awe. I showed it to my dad and he was so proud of you too! He was like, "Of course they should have won! It was damn good!" I also am glad you posted your own experience about all this. It was a lot of fun to read!
I have lost count at how many times I have seen this video. I am so beyond amazed at what you and Lisa did. It is a stunning performance and just completely beautiful. I am in awe. I showed it to my dad and he was so proud of you too! He was like, "Of course they should have won! It was damn good!" I also am glad you posted your own experience about all this. It was a lot of fun to read!